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Donna Bolima


What's your biggest fear?

Of being disconnected or isolated from family and close friends especially as I get older!

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Falling flat on my face in the library my first day of school as a freshman at the University of Washington

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

I am not sure--because I don't think I've seen the place yet. But wherever it is, there are sandy beaches, just the right amount of warmth, four seasons, light blue waters and no threat of storms. Some wild life and greenery.

These are the things I value about environment. It makes me calm

What is the craziest moment you've seen during Upward Bound this year?

Not too crazy, but it was a little comical watching one cabin at Pack Forest trying to put up their fallen window shade for about an hour, as well as all the other little peeks through the window shades to see if we were still outside. You guys are too cute!

What sea animal would you want to be?

A Dolphin. They are fast, can beat up sharks, and seem to have lots of fun.


